Jelly beans — oh dear, only three left!
The Blank Page Syndrome
I’ve got work to do. Another 100 pages of a new version of a novel to rewrite. But I’m tired, not sleeping too well and have things on my mind. I divert to getting blogs up to date just to feel a sense of having finished a task, however small.
I have ideas for stories put aside, having decided a few weeks ago to do this rewrite. But I know, in a way, the rewrite was started because those ideas were not flowing freely. Couldn’t have been could they? Otherwise it would have finished at least one story before starting the next and the next and the…. Oh yes, procrastination and all that. But as long as I am writing something the ‘thief of time’ will not win. Or will it?
I often sit down ready to begin. Decide I need a coffee or a cup of tea. Then back to the computer. Maybe a Kit Kat will give my brain energy? Break it up into small pieces to make it last. One minute later I wonder where it has all gone! Should have stuck to pinching my son’s tiny jelly beans. One bean can last ages because each has a wonderful flavour — 36 flavours in all. Nothing like change for stimulating the taste buds if nothing else.
Well, I’ve eaten a jelly bean. Post this and back to the serious stuff. We go for a walk into town in less than an hour. Nothing like a coffee in a cafĂ© for …
Gladys Hobson — author
Diary Of An English Lady
Wrinkly Writers — my life's an open book
My Space, Gladys Writes
Magpies Nest Publishing.