Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Simple Things of Life

As we get older we can't help but reflect on life when we were young. I guess things were pretty simple in those days. No holidays away. We had so little choice and money was in short supply, just like food and clothing. No TV's no 'white goods' in the kitchen. But what we did have seemed of greater value than things today. Now there is too much choice and we get clothes and ‘goods’ comparatively cheap — at the expense of those, including children, who work all hours just to put food in their bellies. The world has gone mad!

It is a lovely day today. In our garden, blooms and blossoms on the shrubs and trees are at their peak, and flowers are brilliant with colour too. Violets and primroses are growing wild in crevices in the crazy paving and steps leading up to the back garden, as well as where I have allowed them to flower in the borders and pots. The scent of wallflowers, lily of the valley and wisteria meet us as soon as we walk outside. We were thinking of going away for a week or so, but it is too lovely here to leave it!
The simple things of life become more meaningful to us as we grow older.

1 comment:

Joyful Thiek said...

It occurs to me that childhood days were the best moments of our lives, because as we grow older we always seem to want more, and eventually there will come a time when we shall look back at our life and realise that it had been a waste after all. We'd regret at the smallest mistakes of our past life. And we can never be happy unless we appreciate the present.
But while in childhood, we're carefree, we don't have to worry about anything at all, we just live whatever life is given to us...indeed, the simple things do mean much!