Ulverston’s do-it-yourself angel.
There are many unsung heroes throughout the world and no doubt quite a few in this small market town of Ulverston. They come in many guises. Those we usually think of are often carers in one form or another, or those who do voluntary work with the mass of groups and societies that seek to relief suffering at home and abroad. But there are others and the ones I am writing about are those who work for community cohesion, a better environment, and all that enhances daily living.
Some time ago I wrote about a litter angel who silently cleared the Hoad footpaths of rubbish each morning. Today I am writing about someone who is determined, not only to make the environment more attractive, but to get others — men, women, children and whole families— involved in life-enhancing schemes.
Search Geoff Dellow's web site to see what is happening in various areas.
Potting is just one of the things he is up to.
As a potter himself, Geoff is inspiring others to take up the craft. Not only that but to get together to decorate local parks with their work. With the help of others, Geoff has also been busy growing and planting flowers, using donated seeds and bulbs, in park areas otherwise left neglected. The photographs here are just some of the results. The place is the footpath at Gill Banks — the start of the Cumbria Way. He also organised a special Halloween night for children and their parents there — the first of what is likely to be a tradition. Getting people socially involved? What better Way to a more enhancing and cohesive society?
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How very neat!
Great 'happy' photos - looks good!
Many thanks
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